It’s no great secret that sadly, here in 2016, the music blog world has devolved into an endless stream of click-baitey ‘news’ articles and an aggressive pissing contest of sorts between similar publications of who can post something first. So, not to be TMN’s resident grumpy music nostalgist or anything, but whenever tunes are missed on a writer’s initial radar and surface some weeks down the road, there has been an unsatisfying feeling lingering in many writers’ souls in that they “missed the boat” and no longer feel compelled to post said song as it may effect their ‘credibility'; even though they may in fact be completely infatuated with a song or album, thus quelching an opportunity of a share from someone who genuinely enjoys it. Which is a silly thing to think about anyhow, as many of us started primarily as enthusiastic music lovers who only ever covered the music we loved, and not the music that comes with the largest PR & publicity push. Phewww….