Blur heeft een half uur durende documentaire vrij gegeven in verband met het maken van het nieuwe album.
Er zijn interviews te zien met de bandleden en je krijg heel veel extra informatie over het maken van het album.
Alex James de bassist zegt het volgende over de band:
"It is very much like a sibling relationship, or a marriage. This is a really lovely thing to dip into, because it takes us out of our lives, even though we needed to have lives outside Blur for a while. Now, it is the exact opposite. Blur is like a complete release. At this point, which you could probably call our rock gentlemen phase, everything has become very fulfilling and satisfying. We needed our downtime, but in many ways, nothing has changed too much in 27 years. The crucial difference is that doing all this now is such a complete and utter joy."
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